imaskjsvanilla javascript input mask

Getting Started

Install from npm:

npm install imask

And import or require:

import IMask from 'imask';

or use CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Simple use case:

const element = document.getElementById('selector');
const maskOptions = {
  mask: '+{7}(000)000-00-00'
const mask = IMask(element, maskOptions);
Please note

If you apply mask to input element you have to use type="text". Other types are not supported.

IMask consists of two independent layers: model and view.
Model layer contains all masking facilities which can be used independently without UI.

View layer is a glue between UI element and model, it connects listeners and controls changes in both directions.

Input processing is based on a simple idea of comparing states before and after change. State before change is obtained on keydown and on input actual processing takes place. In order to support older browsers manually call _saveSelection to save state and _onInput to handle changes. Pull requests for the beauty are welcomed.

Currently, view layer contains only one component InputMask which supports HTML input-like API. Instance of InputMask is returned when IMask constructor is called.

To create new mask on element use:

const mask = IMask(element, maskOptions);

Get/set value and unmasked value:

mask.value = '+7(999)999-99-99';
console.log(mask.value);  // '+7(999)999-99-99'
console.log(mask.unmaskedValue);  // '79999999999'

mask.unmaskedValue = '70000000000';
console.log(mask.value);  // '+7(000)000-00-00'
console.log(mask.unmaskedValue);  // '70000000000'

For typed masks like Number or Date it is possible to work with typed values:

mask.updateOptions({mask: Number});
mask.typedValue = 100;  // use number
console.log(mask.value);  // '100'
console.log(mask.unmaskedValue);  // '100'
console.log(mask.typedValue);  // 100

For untyped masks typedValue and unmaskedValue works identically.

Update options:

  mask: Number,
  min: 0,
  max: 100
});  // also updates UI

Clean and destroy:


Listen to events:

const log = () => console.log(mask.value);
// 'accept' event fired on input when mask value has changed
mask.on('accept', log);

// 'complete' event fired when the value is completely filled
// Note: this makes sense only for Pattern-based masks
mask.on('complete', () => console.log(mask.value));

Stop listening to events:'accept', log);

// omit handler argument to unbind all handlers'complete');

Get Masked model:

const masked = mask.masked;
masked.reset(); // UI will NOT be updated

In the above example all changes are proxied to the model layer first and then UI is updated. The core of masking on model layer is IMask.Masked base class. There are also several other model classes for the different mask property types that provide additional functionality:

mask prop Model class
IMask.Masked descendant or instance IMask.Masked
RegExp IMask.MaskedRegExp
Function IMask.MaskedFunction
String IMask.MaskedPattern
Number IMask.MaskedNumber
Date IMask.MaskedDate
Array of masks IMask.MaskedDynamic

Mask also can be used without UI, e.g.

const masked = IMask.createMask({
  mask: '+7 (000) 000-00-00',
  // ...and other options

// now you can access masked value
// and get unmasked value


Common Behavior

IMask.Masked is a base class of all other Masked* classes. Almost all base class options are applicable to subclasses.

Example usage:

const digitsMask = IMask(element, {
  mask: /^\d+$/

Update options:

  // while changing mask only same type allowed
  mask: /^\w+$/,  // ok
  // mask: "0000",  // ERROR! changing mask type on existing mask is not allowed!

  // ... other options

Get/set value and unmasked value:

masked.value = 'hello world!';
// or typed value if it makes sense

Use prepare (value, masked) or prepareChar (value, masked) option for preprocessing input and commit (value, masked) option for postprocessing after UI is deactivated:

IMask(element, {
  mask: /^\w+$/,
  prepareChar: str => str.toUpperCase(),
  commit: (value, masked) => {
    // Don't change value manually! All changes should be done in mask!
    // This example helps to understand what is really changes, only for demo
    masked._value = value.toLowerCase();  // Don't do it

The difference between prepare and prepareChar is that when inserting multiple symbols in a batch prepare is called once for the entire string and prepareChar is called for each symbol.

Usually you don't need to create instances of that type manually, because it will be done by IMask internally. But you can subclass from Masked to add some specific behavior.

Additionaly to mask option custom validator can be set as validate (value, masked) option for some complex checks on any mask types excluding Function and RegExp, because they are already validators themselves.

Note: do not mutate Masked instance inside callbacks.

Also make sure that mask or validator works with any of intermediate states, not just final value. For example to restrict input to "123" you do:

const masked = IMask.Masked({
  mask: /^123$/

But it does not allow to input any symbol at all, because it matches only whole string "123" and not "1" nor "12". Always take care of intermediate values at first, otherwise it might not work as expected. In complex cases it is better to use Pattern or Function masks.

Example of using Function mask to accept any growing sequence from 0 to 9:

IMask(element, {
  mask: value => /^\d*$/.test(value) &&
    value.split('').every((ch, i) => {
      const prevCh = value[i-1];
      return !prevCh || prevCh < ch;

Overwrite Mode since 5.0

Enables characters overwriting (replace or shift) instead of inserting.

    mask: '000000',
    lazy: false,

Skip Invalid Mode since 6.5.0

Enables skipping invalid characters (default is true).

    mask: '000000',
    skipInvalid: <CHECK>,

Number Mask

Number mask restricts input to integer or decimal numbers in many ways:

IMask(element, {
  mask: Number,  // enable number mask

  // other options are optional with defaults below
  scale: 2,  // digits after point, 0 for integers
  thousandsSeparator: '',  // any single char
  padFractionalZeros: false,  // if true, then pads zeros at end to the length of scale
  normalizeZeros: true,  // appends or removes zeros at ends
  radix: ',',  // fractional delimiter
  mapToRadix: ['.'],  // symbols to process as radix

  // additional number interval options (e.g.)
  min: -10000,
  max: 10000,
  autofix: true,

Pattern Mask

Use pattern when:

Pattern mask is just a string:

IMask(element, {
  mask: '{#}000[aaa]/NIC-`*[**]'

// or without UI element
  mask: '{#}000[aaa]/NIC-`*[**]'
where definitions are:

If definition character should be treated as fixed it should be escaped by \\ (E.g. \\0).

Additionally you can provide custom definitions:

IMask(element, {
  mask: '#00000',
  definitions: {
    // <any single char>: <same type as mask (RegExp, Function, etc.)>
    // defaults are '0', 'a', '*'
    '#': /[1-6]/

To configure placeholder use:

IMask(element, {
  mask: '+{7}(000)000-00-00',
  lazy: false,  // make placeholder always visible
  placeholderChar: '#'     // defaults to '_'

Secure text entry since 6.6.0:

IMask(element, {
  mask: '000000',
  displayChar: '#',
  lazy: false,
  overwrite: 'shift',

For complex nested masks there is blocks option available:

IMask(element, {
  mask: 'Ple\\ase fill ye\\ar 19YY, month MM \\and v\\alue VL',
  lazy: false,  // make placeholder always visible

  blocks: {
    YY: {
      mask: '00',

    MM: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 1,
      to: 12

    VL: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedEnum,
      enum: ['TV', 'HD', 'VR']

Expose block value since 7.1.0

Block value can be exposed using the expose option on one of the blocks:

value: type:
IMask(element, {
  mask: '$num',
  lazy: false,  // make placeholder always visible

  blocks: {
    num: {
      mask: Number,
      expose: true,

Lazy Mode

    mask: Date,
    lazy: <CHECK>,
    autofix: true,
    blocks: {
      d: {mask: IMask.MaskedRange, placeholderChar: 'd', from: 1, to: 31, maxLength: 2},
      m: {mask: IMask.MaskedRange, placeholderChar: 'm', from: 1, to: 12, maxLength: 2},
      Y: {mask: IMask.MaskedRange, placeholderChar: 'y', from: 1900, to: 2999, maxLength: 4}

Eager Mode since 6.3.0

    mask: '00##00##',
    eager: <SELECT>,

Range Mask

Range mask extends Pattern mask and can be used to restrict input in a number range.

IMask(element, {
  mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
  from: 1,
  to: 90,
  // maxLength is optional parameter to set the length of mask. To input smaller values pad zeros at start
  maxLength: 3,
  autofix: true,  // bound value

  // pattern options can be set as well
  lazy: false

Unlike Number mask Range mask is fixed in size, accepts only integer values but can use placeholder.

Autofix Mode

    mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
    from: 0,
    to: 15,
    autofix: <SELECT>,

Repeat block (since 7.3.0)

    mask: 'r',
    lazy: false,
    blocks: {
      r: {
        repeat: <SELECT>,
        mask: '0',

Enum Mask

Enum mask extends Pattern mask and can be used to restrict input within characters enum.

IMask(element, {
  mask: IMask.MaskedEnum,
  enum: Array.from({ length: 12 }, (_, i) =>
    new Date(0, i).toLocaleString(window.navigator.language, { month: 'long' })

  // optionally can set match function
  matchValue: (estr, istr, matchFrom) =>
    // use case insensitive match
    IMask.MaskedEnum.DEFAULTS.matchValue(estr.toLowerCase(), istr.toLowerCase(), matchFrom),

  // pattern options can be set as well
  lazy: false

Date Mask

Date mask extends Pattern mask with more options.

Please note

if you set pattern option, then you also have to provide format and parse options.

Also Date mask uses independent pattern blocks so it's possible to input inexistent dates until mask is complete. When last character is inserted then input is converted to Date object and get verified. This leads to weird situations when you might have incorrect day, but not being able to insert year. It is not possible to validate Date intermediate states in general way, but you still can use validate callback on application side to check your specific case.

IMask(element, {
  mask: Date,  // enable date mask

  // other options are optional
  pattern: 'Y-`m-`d',  // Pattern mask with defined blocks, default is 'd{.}`m{.}`Y'
  // you can provide your own blocks definitions, default blocks for date mask are:
  blocks: {
    d: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 1,
      to: 31,
      maxLength: 2,
    m: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 1,
      to: 12,
      maxLength: 2,
    Y: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 1900,
      to: 9999,

  // define date -> str convertion
  format: date => {
    let day = date.getDate();
    let month = date.getMonth() + 1;
    const year = date.getFullYear();

    if (day < 10) day = "0" + day;
    if (month < 10) month = "0" + month;

    return [year, month, day].join('-');

  // define str -> date convertion
  parse: str => {
    const yearMonthDay = str.split('-');
    return new Date(yearMonthDay[0], yearMonthDay[1] - 1, yearMonthDay[2]);

  // optional interval options
  min: new Date(2000, 0, 1),  // defaults to `1900-01-01`
  max: new Date(2020, 0, 1),  // defaults to `9999-01-01`

  autofix: true,  // defaults to `false`

  // pattern options can be set as well
  lazy: false,

  // and other common options
  overwrite: true  // defaults to `false`

It is easy to use it with Moment.js:

const momentFormat = 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm';

IMask(element, {
  mask: Date,
  pattern: momentFormat,
  lazy: false,
  min: new Date(1970, 0, 1),
  max: new Date(2030, 0, 1),

  format: date => moment(date).format(momentFormat),
  parse: str => moment(str, momentFormat),

  blocks: {
    YYYY: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 1970,
      to: 2030
    MM: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 1,
      to: 12
    DD: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 1,
      to: 31
    HH: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 0,
      to: 23
    mm: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 0,
      to: 59

Dynamic Mask

Dynamic mask automatically selects appropriate mask from provided array of masks. Mask with the largest number of fitting characters is selected considering provided masks order.

IMask(element, {
  mask: [
      mask: 'RGB,RGB,RGB',
      blocks: {
        RGB: {
          mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
          from: 0,
          to: 255
      mask: /^#[0-9a-f]{0,6}$/i

It is also possible to select mask manually via dispatch option:

IMask(element, {
  mask: [
      mask: '+00 {21} 0 000 0000',
      startsWith: '30',
      lazy: false,
      country: 'Greece'
      mask: '+0 000 000-00-00',
      startsWith: '7',
      lazy: false,
      country: 'Russia'
      mask: '+00-0000-000000',
      startsWith: '91',
      lazy: false,
      country: 'India'
      mask: '0000000000000',
      startsWith: '',
      country: 'unknown'
  dispatch: (appended, dynamicMasked) => {
    const number = (dynamicMasked.value + appended).replace(/\D/g,'');

    return dynamicMasked.compiledMasks.find(m => number.indexOf(m.startsWith) === 0);

Expose mask value since 7.1.0

Nested mask value can be exposed using the expose option on one of the masks:

value: type:
IMask(element, {
  mask: [
    { mask: '' },
      mask: 'd %',
      lazy: false,
      expose: true,
      blocks: {
        d: {
          mask: Number,
          expose: true,

Pipe since 6.0

Since v6.0.0 IMask can be used for formatting or converting values through mask with pipe and createPipe routines:

const numberPipe = IMask.createPipe({
  mask: Number,
  scale: 2,
  thousandsSeparator: ' ',
  normalizeZeros: true,
  padFractionalZeros: true,
// `numberPipe` is just a function, call it to format values
numberPipe('1'); // "1,00"

// if `numberPipe` will not be reused, then just use `IMask.pipe` inplace:
IMask.pipe('1', {
  mask: Number,
  scale: 2,
  thousandsSeparator: ' ',
  normalizeZeros: true,
  padFractionalZeros: true,
}); // "1,00"

By default pipe expects masked value on input and produces masked input as well. This behavior is exactly the same as if a value was pasted in input.

Pipe also provides a way to customize source and destination types:

// pipe(value, mask|masked, sourcetype, destinationtype);
// converts formated string to number
    mask: Number,
    scale: 2,
    thousandsSeparator: ' ',
    normalizeZeros: true,
    padFractionalZeros: true,
); // 1.01 of number type
Note: it is possible to share single Masked instance both for input handling and formatting with pipe. Just pass Masked to pipe instead of mask options. In that case pipe will not create or clone Masked instance, Masked state also will not be changed during formatting.

Angular plugin provides IMaskPipe for convinience.


Treeshaking since 6.0

IMask contains a lot of cool features, which makes it pretty big in size. But you might not need all features and want to reduce your bundle size. Since v6.0.0 IMask provides such possibility and ships chunks along side with assembled bundle. Despite mask has been already support esm modules treeshaking did not work on it because of recursive masks and therefore circular dependencies inside. So now you can import only features that you want, for instance if only number mask is used:

// was before
// import IMask from 'imask'; // imports all modules

// enable treeshaking
import IMask from 'imask/holder'; // imports only factory
// add needed features
import 'imask/masked/number';
// now factory can work with number masks, but not any other

// usage is same in both cases
IMask(element, { mask: Number });